
Result 2024

Searchable results are available below after the race. If you have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in your age category and did not collect your medal on race day, please send a small self addressed padded envelope to H Events, PO Box 2251 Green Hills 2323, and we will send your medal to you.

If you see any issues with times, please report them to us on or call 49348138.

Results 2024

Results 2023

Searchable results are available below after the race. If you have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in your age category and did not collect your medal on race day, please send a small self addressed padded envelope to H Events, PO Box 2251 Green Hills 2323, and we will send your medal to you.

If you see any issues with times, please report them to us on or call 49348138.

Results 2023

Results 2022

Searchable results are available below after the race. If you have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in your age category and did not collect your medal on race day, please send a small self addressed padded envelope to H Events, PO Box 2251 Green Hills 2323, and we will send your medal to you.

If you see any issues with times, please report them to us on or call 49348138.

Results 2022

Results 2021

Searchable results are available below after the race. If you have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in your age category and did not collect your medal on race day, please send a small self addressed padded envelope to H Events, PO Box 2251 Green Hills 2323, and we will send your medal to you.

If you see any issues with times, please report them to us on or call 49348138.

Results 2021

Results 2020

Searchable results are available below after the race. If you have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in your age category and did not collect your medal on race day, please send a small self addressed padded envelope to H Events, PO Box 2251 Green Hills 2323, and we will send your medal to you.

If you see any issues with times, please report them to us on or call 49348138.

Results 2020

Results 2019

Searchable results are available below after the race. If you have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in your age category and did not collect your medal on race day, please send a small self addressed padded envelope to H Events, PO Box 2251 Green Hills 2323, and we will send your medal to you.

If you see any issues with times, please report them to us on or call 49348138.

Results 2019

Results 2018

Searchable results are available below. If you have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in your age category and did not collect your medal on race day, please send a small self addressed padded envelope to H Events, PO Box 2251 Green Hills 2323, and we will send your medal to you.

If you see any issues with times, please report them to us on or call 49348138.


Results for 2017

Searchable results are available below. If you have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in your age category and did not collect your medal on race day, please send a small self addressed padded envelope to H Events, PO Box 2251 Green Hills 2323, and we will send your medal to you.

If you see any issues with times, please report them to us on or call 49348138.

Souvenir photos will be available by Tuesday on at

Results HERE

2016 Results and Certificates

Searchable results are available below. If you have placed in your age category and did not collect your medal on race day, please send a small self addressed padded envelope to H Events, PO Box 2251 Green Hills 2323, and we will send your medal to you.

If you see any issues with times, please report them to us on or call 49348138

Click HERE

Searchable Results 2015

Searchable results are available below. If you have placed in your age category and did not collect your medal on race day, please send a small self addressed padded envelope to H Events, PO Box 2251 Green Hills 2323, and we will send your medal to you.

If you see any issues with times, please report them to us on or call 49348138

Searchable Results 2015

